• It fluctuates but we have been holding steady around 45 (this includes the foul as we treat them just like any other animal, if they need veterinarian care, they get it!!)

  • Unlike animal shelters, sanctuaries do not seek to place animals with individuals or groups, instead, they maintain each animal until his or her natural death. Animal sanctuaries can house a variety of animals.

  • A microsanctuary starts from the premise that our space and our resources, no matter how limited, often are still sufficient for us to provide sanctuary to individual animals RIGHT NOW in order to prevent them from ever again being used as commodities. Additionally, microsanctuaries aren’t to be seen as stepping stones to larger sanctuaries but ends unto themselves: providing the best care to microsanctuary residents is a worthy goal, and the pressure to get bigger should always come second to sustainability and some degree of self-reliance.   (From

  • Every animal comes to us in a different way and every story is VERY different (check out our animals page to learn more about each animal). Sadly we say no more than we get to say yes due to resources and the high end care we are committed to offering our sanctuary residents. BUT we always try to help in some way whenever we receive a call. The ones that we commit too forever comes down to timing and available resources.